Professor James C Scott, Fukuoka Prize 2010 Academic Prize Laureate, has passed away on the 19th July 2024.

Prof. James C. Scott has shown profound insight in pursuing his studies of peasantry and society in Southeast Asia, and has successfully demonstrated the dynamic relationship between the dominant state and the people who resist this domination. His insights crossed both regional boundaries in Asia and disciplinary boundaries in social science, and gave rise to the interdisciplinary debate about the 'moral economy'.

In the Award Ceremony held in 2010, he made a speech about his quest of his own scholarship has been to understand the values, actions, and political life of non-elites, and  tried to identify the forms of resistance that mark their struggle for subsistence and honor. He also spoke of the sufferings of the Burmese people who have been living under oppressive military regimes that have dashed the life chances and dishonors them.

In memory of his many achievements, we would like to send our sincere condolences to his family. 

Secretariat of Fukuoka Prize Committee