About Fukuoka Prize

  1. About Fukuoka Prize
  2. Outline of the Fukuoka Prize
  3. Prize Certificates and Medals
  4. Administration and Selection

Administration and Selection

Fukuoka City and the Fukuoka City International Foundation are the organizing bodies, and the Fukuoka Prize Committee serves as the administrative body for the Fukuoka Prize.

Administration and Selection

Fukuoka Prize Committee

The Prize Committee serves as an administrative body for the prize. It is responsible for giving final approval to the laureates selected by the Prize Jury.

Post Name Title
Special Adviser KANAI Masaaki Director-General for Culture Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Special Adviser TOKURA Shunichi Commissioner for Culture Affairs, Government of Japan
Special Adviser HATTORI Seitaro Governor, Fukuoka Prefecture
Honorary Chair TAKASHIMA Soichiro Mayor, Fukuoka City
Chair TANIGAWA Hiromichi Chair, Fukuoka City International Foundation
Vice Chair ISHIBASHI Tatsuro President, Kyushu University
Vice Chair UCHIKOSHI Motoyasu Chairperson, Fukuoka City Council
Vice Chair NAKAMURA Eiichi Deputy Mayor, Fukuoka City
Auditor KOBAYASHI Tomoko Chief Executive, Accounting Management, Fukuoka City
Auditor FUJITA Hidetaka Executive Director, Fukuoka City Council of Social Welfare
Member AOYAGI Toshihiko Representative Director and Chairman, Kyushu Railway Company
Member AMANO Kou Chair, General Affairs and Finance Committee, Fukuoka City Council
Member IKEMATSU Yuko President, The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing
Member ISHIBASHI Masanobu Superintendent of Education, Fukuoka City Board of Education
Member IMAI Toshiyuki Executive Officer & Representative of Seibu Head Office, The Asahi Shimbun Company
Member IMAI Naoki President, Seinan Gakuin University
Member OMAGARI Akie Vice Governor, Fukuoka Prefecture
Member KITAJIMA Misayoshi President, Kyushu Sangyo University
Member KINUGAWA Tomoaki Director, Fukuoka Broadcasting Station, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
Member KUBOTA Isao Special Advisor, The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd.
Member KURATOMI Sumio President & Chief Executive Officer, Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd.
Member SHIBATO Takashige Chairman & President of The Bank of Fukuoka, Ltd.
Member SODA Atsushi Representative Director & Executive Vice President, Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Member TAKAZOE Hiroyuki General Managing Director at Seibu Head Office, The Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd.
Member TAGAWA Daisuke President and Chief Executive Officer, The Nishinippon Newspaper Co., Ltd.
Member NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki Representative of Seibu Head Office, The Asahi Shimbun Company
Member NAGATA Kiyofumi President, Fukuoka University
Member HARADA Shugo Director, Kyushu District Transport Bureau
Member NISHIMURA Matsuji Chairman and Representative Director, Kyudenko Corporation
Member HOSHINO Mitsuaki Director-General, Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Member MASUDA Masaki Director, Seibu Operations, The Yomiuri Shimbun
Member MATSUNO Takashi Vice Chairperson, Fukuoka City Council
Member MICHINAGA Yukinori Board of Directors, Chairman, Saibu Gas Co., Ltd.
Member MINO Yumiko Chairperson, NPO Fukuoka Recreation Association
Member YASUNAGA Kouichi Deputy Director, Fukuoka Culture Federation

As of 2024.7.24 in syllabary order

Fukuoka Prize Jury

The Prize Jury examines the shortlist and selects the laureates after nominees for each of the three prizes are shortlisted by their respective Selection Committees.

Post Name Title
Chair ISHIBASHI Tatsuro President, Kyushu University
Vice Chair, Fukuoka Prize Committee
Vice Chair NAKAMURA Eiichi Deputy Mayor, Fukuoka City
Vice Chair, Fukuoka Prize Committee
Member ISHIZAKA Kenji Professor, Japan Institute of the Moving Image
Senior Programmer, Tokyo International Film Festival
Chair, Arts and Culture Prize Selection Committee, Fukuoka Prize
Member UCHINO Tadashi Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Gakushuin Women's College
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University
Vice Chair, Arts and Culture Prize Selection Committee
Member KONO Toshiyuki Emeritus Professor and Specially Appointed Research Fellow, Kyushu University
Vice Chair, Academic Prize Selection Committee
Member TAKENAKA Chiharu Former Professor, College of Law and Politics, Department of Politics, Rikkyo University
Chair, Academic Prize Selection Committee, Fukuoka Prize
Member KAWAHARA Masataka Chairman and Representative Director, Fukuya Co.,Ltd.
Member SHIMOYAMA Masaya Executive Vice President, The Japan Foundation

As of 2024.12.1 in syllabary order

Selection Committees

Nominees for each of the three prizes are shortlisted by their respective Selection Committees based on the information received from nomination application.

Academic Prize Selection Committee

Post Name Title
Chair TAKENAKA Chiharu Former Professor, College of Law and Politics, Department of Politics, Rikkyo University
Member, Fukuoka Prize Jury
Vice Chair KONO Toshiyuki Emeritus Professor and Specially Appointed Research Fellow, Kyushu University
Member, Fukuoka Prize Jury
Member KIMIYA Tadashi Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
Member SHIMIZU Kazushi Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University
Member SHIMIZU Hiromu Honorary professor, Kyoto University
Affiliated Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Member TAKAHARA Akio Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tokyo Woman's Christian University
Member TAMURA Keiko Professor Emerita, Special Research Fellow, the University of Kitakyushu
Director, Japan Center for Borderlands Studies
Member WAKIMURA Kohei Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, Osaka University of Economics and Law

As of 2024.5.30 in syllabary order

Arts and Culture Prize Selection Committee[test]

Post Name Title
Chair ISHIZAKA Kenji Professor, Japan Institute of the Moving Image
Senior Programmer, Tokyo International Film Festival
Member, Fukuoka Prize Jury
Vice Chair UCHINO Tadashi Professor, Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Gakushuin Women's College
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University
Member, Fukuoka Prize Jury
Member UDO Seiji Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Member OGAWA Tadashi Professor, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Letters, Atomi University
Member KATAOKA Mami Director, Mori Art Museum
Director, National Center for Art Research
Member TERAUCHI Naoko Professor, Graduate School of
Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
Member NISHIMURA Yukio Dean, Department of Tourism and Community Development. Kokugakuin University
Member MATSUGUMA Hiroyuki Associate professor, Deparment of Content and Creative Design,Faculty of Design, Kyushu University

As of 2024.5.30 in syllabary order


The Fukuoka Prize selects the candidates based on the information received in the nomination application from the nominators in education and research institutions, arts and culture organizations, and news media, both in Japan and abroad in order to extensively recruit candidates for the prize.

See Nominations for more details on nominators.

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